8 Weeks Out from IFBB PRO Europa Show of Champions February 25th, 2013 

Sitting down enjoying my cup of coffee before I start my morning sprints.  After my calf injury two weeks ago, yesterday, I was finally able to train legs again!  Yeah!  Smile I was a little concerned about how my calf would handle it.  After completing each exercise, I felt so blessed to be able to perform it!  I feel sometimes injuries are like wake up calls from God to test us, to remind us of our blessings in our lives, to appreciate our selves, our family, our friends, no matter how hard things are and how imperfect people can be, we are gifted with so much love and strength, at times we tend to forget and to look at the whole picture around us and our lives.

Yesterday was assessment day.  I feel really good about where I am with my body fat percentage this far our from competing. Much better than where I was this far out last time I competed last October at the Titans.  Things are looking pretty good thus far!   Legs are tightening up along with lower abs and glutes.  Another two weeks and I will start showing more cuts in my quads, hamstrings and glutes wich will make practicing posing more fun and rewarding!  


I better get started with my cardio now, but before I do, I wanted to share what is in store for me after the Europa.  I am already setting my focus on the second stop-over for this season, the IFBB Mile High Pro Women’s Physique Championships in Denver, Colorado.  I am excited to see how my performance will be second time around.  Each time I compete I learn a little more about my self, my body and how to be balanced.  There is so much to say about personal experience and what it teaches you.  This year I look forward to bringing a better package on stage after each competition.  Starting with the Titans last year, it will be my goal to improve each time.  

From Titans to Titans – My 2013 Journey!  Smile 

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