2009 Emerald Cup – 3 Weeks Out

It is raining here in Alaska today after having so many sunny days this cool wave actually feels nice and refreshing.  I just took Shawn to the studio this morning and on my way back home, I was driving through my neighborhood, a few houses away from home, when I got surprised by a running mamma moose with her little baby calf.  What a beautiful site!  Our neighbor from Pennsylvania was watching with his little son both bear foot on the side of the street, as he tip toed to my window, he explained how suprised they both were since they had just moved to Alaska and they are not used to the wild life here.  Well, I have lived here for about 6 years now and I still have to stop every time I see these amazing animals!  So, this is how my day started today, and I will go on with my morning cardio now.  Today my goal will be that of 1 hour total, with a 5 minute warm up walking at 4.0 mph, 5 minute run at 6.0 mph, 10 sprints of 1 min each at 9.0 mph and  6 or 7 % incline with 1 minute walk at 4.o mph in between.  Continue the 30 remaining minutes with a walk on a 15% incline and 3.5 speed.  See you afterwards!

I did it!  Felt I pushed myself as always when I do a sprint workout, but more empowered and in control than before!  I love it!  Now I am enjoying my coffee and feeling a little tired after having my breakfast and slowing down a bit.  I had the chance to be home all morning so far, and getting things done around the house and taking care of my son preparing him yummy meals always makes me feel so good and so happy!  Today, for breakfast, I fixed him a steak sandwich and a big glass of milk.  I did want to take a bite of that buffalo steak but I was real good and stuck to my egg whites!

This afternoon, before I will start training clients throughout the evening, I will be practicing my routine with the music I just yesterday received back from the DJ.  He cleaned it up a bit and worked on the connections between songs.  My amazing talented husband does all of the rough work for me as I continue to build the routine and make changes and, once I feel comfortable and satisfied with the product I have a DJ do the clean up for us.  I have not yet had the chance to even listen to it yet, so this afternoon I will find out how it came out when I hear it while practicing.  Having the right music is crucial to ultimately develop a winning routine round.  Smooth transitions and the right changes of tempo are all very important when constructing the 2 minute long piece.   So far everyone who listened to it likes it, and I know that that  is a good sign since ultimately the music has to capture the audience.  One thing for sure I know, my son loves it and makes him dance silly everytime he hears it!  Hopefully the audience will feel the same as him!

Later in the evening, after training my clients, I will be wrapping the day up with some uphill walking on the treadmill at home.  I look forward to writing my  journal while doing cardio since I have been dying to tell you all about my trip to Fairbanks I took over Memorial Day weekend for a body building competition they had up there!

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