2009 Emerald Cup – 8 weeks out

Yes, as of today I have 8 weeks left before Junior Nationals.  Cardio was great last night; I got to watch Avatar for the first time while walking on an incline on my treadmill at home, and ended up doing more cardio than I had planned; oops!  I just got back from a trip to Starbucks with my hubby and trainer, Shawn.  I was craving an americano, so I ordered my usual, 16 oz americano with 2 splendas and steamed fat free foam.  I have to confess to all of you my addiction to dry roasted almonds, but I can honestly say, I was pretty good today, and only sneaked in 10 which is about 5 grams of fat.  I had to have Shawn keep the package away from me and give me a few at the time, though.   The diet is very strict and quite hard to stay on this season, I am always hungry, but I am sticking to it!  The feeling of hunger is a good thing after all, because it means my metabolism is on fire and as I am reducing the amount of carbs and fat I will see fast results.   My meals are now spaced out every 2.5 hours, I am keeping the protein amount high, I am reducing the amount of complex carbohydrates and keeping a moderate amount of fat.

I realize some people have been very curious about the supplementation I am currently on.  L-carnitine, Calcium with Vit D, Glutamine, Chromium, Branched Chain Amino Acids, Salmon Oil, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Multivitamin, Arginine, 5-HTP and Melatonin are all included in my supplement plan.  I continue to make sure I have casein or cottage cheese right before bed.  I eat plenty of protein for “real food” sources and limit my whey protein to before and after my workout.  Now, it is time for plyometric leg workout   Today I will be picturing Tanji’s explosive straddle jumps!   Of course, cardio is in store for tonight, but I am not quite sure what I will be watching.  I look forward to some outdoor evening cardio up on the mountains here soon.  The weather is getting nicer by the day…just waiting for the ground to harden up a bit and I will make it a family excursion every night.

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